Interesting Meals from The Past…

Grandmother’s Salmon and Mushrooms. This is a recipe handed down to Marilyn by her grandmother many, many years ago, and goes back to the turn of the century when Salmon was a more common food than it is today!

Firstly, Marilyn steamed two fresh Salmon fillets spread with Dill, then warmed undiluted condensed mushroom soup on the hob, to this was added chopped onion, chopped garlic, small halved mushrooms, and small fresh shelled prawns (shrimps). Pepper and salt was included for sharpness of taste, and all was simmered for around 20 minutes. During this time Marilyn boiled potatoes and mashed these in Cornish butter. Then placed the mushroom sauce, and mashed potato, alongside the Salmon fillets on a large oblong plate. It served us both and was fantastic on taste!

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