From a Victorian Kitchen…

Victorian Potted Shrimp. Marilyn put together this interesting little Victorian dish, which proved to be very tasty, and very novel. Firstly she set the oven to medium hot, then cut around two large handfuls of small fresh peeled shrimps (prawns) into halves. In a saucepan she melted two large knobs of English butter, with a tablespoonful of anchovy essence, added a teaspoon of mace, and a pinch of salt and pepper. She placed the shrimps in an oven dish and poured over the buttery mixture, and covered and cooked them for around 20 minutes. Then Marilyn drained the shrimps, holding back the liquor, and placed them into small jars, pouring the liquid over them. Whilst this was left to set, she melted a further two knobs of butter and poured this onto the jars to seal them. The jars were placed into the refrigerator overnight before being served at midday on toasted wholemeal bread. Delicious!

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