Enid Stamp Taylor… Actress, and her Daughter Robin Anne…

I guess, I was very lucky to photograph Enid Stamp Taylor’s daughter on two very special occasions, just a few years back. It those picture sessions, Robin Anne gave me a some very thoughtful insight into her mother’s life and at a time, when Enid took an apartment in London’s famous Park Lane.

I found Robin Anne to be very relaxed in front of my camera, she chatted on very much of her mother’s acting career, including many leading actors that gave Enid support and helpful advice. One such actor was Robert Newton; they had both worked together on “Hatter’s Castle” often playing cards together between ‘takes’. Robin herself, loved the game of ‘Bridge’ and was a regular with her Surrey club. Whilst her delightful husband; ‘Guy’ was a retired Naval Officer of many serviceable years.

Since that time, I had not kept in touch with her and was saddened to learn from a relative in New South Wales, that she had died in 2016. For me those are recollections that will never fade from my mind and that of my children’s thought’s, they too, have shared much of my work in the past. In our last picture session together, I recall, Robin Anne, confided in me, that she had a brief acting career, although, not too successful, along side actress Dorothy Tutin and that she had enjoyed every moment, albeit, briefly, climbing into her mother’s shoes.

Regretfully, I can’t bring you any of the shots taken… These were strictly copyrighted to my agent at the time. However, I rather hope I can give the reader some small insight into two wonderful people who are no longer with us.

To come close to Enid’s World… take the serpentine path across Hyde Park, and as you walk, think of her. She would have walked this path, just as you. She would have paused, and looked upon the golden yellow of spring daffodils and the racing heart of early bluebells. You are seeing what her eyes saw. The same birds are singing… and you are so close to her… that you can hear her silent feet over green fields, and taste the sweet smell of Hawthorn blossom that fills your soul… and when you come to a bend in the path, where she too, saw the first shimmer of April blue upon the lake, I know… that you, have only to turn your head… to see her walking beside you.

A tribute to a mother’s private life… And a daughter’s love…


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