The Shriving of Miss Esme Stamp…

Episode 87… Herby’s New Self…

‘Well, Herby, I just wanted to check with you that business between us can be just as interesting as it has been in the past, because, I have this idea to move into colour photographs and that means capital investment, so I have to talk to the Bank.

‘Charley, whatever move you make, is good for me too, you know that. I’m sure colour pictures will go down a treat here at The Peoples Palace, after all, we’ve all got to move with the times, that so true, no Charley, you go right ahead and expand, it can only be good for both of us.’

Herbert sat behind a large mahogany desk, strewn with umpteen papers, and a festoon of drawers occupied his side of things. He puffed away confidently on a large brown coloured cigar with its bandana wrap still in place.

Charles suddenly realised. ‘You’ve taken ‘Elocution Lessens’ Herby, well done, I new something was quite different.’

‘Well, I thought it might improve my image with the clients, as I’ve now got big names to handle.’ He looked somewhat shy, knowing Charles was an old friend.

‘That’s great Herby, but I shall miss the old Herby.’

‘Have a glass of wine Charley.’ Herbert brandished his new found self. It’s a fine Sauternes, you will enjoy it.’

‘I’m sure, I will Herby, and here’s too you, my fine fellow, and may we both prosper and always look after those persons that are near and dear to us.’

‘We will drink to that Charley, we will drink to that.’ He paused for a moment, then added, ‘There’s a singing competition coming up, just for locals, you understand, but it would be nice for you to try out your colour pictures on that evening.’ His left eye winked affectionately. ‘It would be good for ‘The Palace’ to display those pictures you take, here in the foyer before the winner is announced, could be a boozy affair, what do you say Charlie, will you do it?’

‘Usual rates?

Usual rates!

Charles smiled to himself as he left Herby’s office. The New ‘Herby’, that was something to get your head around.

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