Sam Lord’s Castle…

Welcome to the final part of my visit to Barbados… First published by Home Counties Newspapers in February 1974… Now it is time to bid fond farewell to this tropical island paradise…

Our one day in Barbados was all too short, but I think, looking back, we did manage to include in our visit much in the time allowed. Such visits as to The Animal Flower Garden, a large underground cavern at North Point, supporting many varieties of replendent anemones, and a must for the shutter bug, and the historic “Sam Lord’s Castle” a now much renovated but attractive 18th century house set within lavish grounds and built by English Nobleman, Samuel Hall Lord.

Today the house is the haunt of camera clicking tourists from all over the world and with its fine imported furniture, crystal chandeliers, notable plaster work and a magnificent staircase, plus extensive tropical gardens, there are endless opportunities for the family picture album.

The people of Barbados will always remain close to my heart, and although the island has seen a number of changes since those early pioneers set foot there, fortunate are we indeed that can visit this wonderful little island and learn something of its history.

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