The Electric Brae, Ayrshire, Scotland…

The Electric BraeI remember being taken over The Electric Brae in Ayrshire, Scotland in 1970. It’s a gravity hill where automobiles appear to be drawn uphill whilst travelling down in some strange phenomenon!

Known locally as Croy Brae, the road appears to run uphill, and yet, with your auto engine off, the brake off, and out of gear, your auto will move of its own free will… Up the hill!

This experience I felt back in 1970 was truly uncanny and left me with a ever-lasting memory of The Electric Brae.

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2 Responses to The Electric Brae, Ayrshire, Scotland…

  1. Hi Patrick, I am conducting a study into the history and life of The Electric Brae at The University of Glasgow. I am looking for participants to take part in short interviews or email questionnaires surrounding their experiences with the Brae. Your story certainly seems to date back to a relatively untold period and it would be great to find out your thoughts and memories of this historical landmark. Would you like to take part, your contribution would remain completely anonymous and would be unpublished?

    Many thanks,

    Katy Vallance

  2. Patrick says:

    Thank you Katy for your very kind comment. I’m afraid my thoughts on the Brae are a little hazy after many years and that visit to West Scotland was way back in 1970. Please feel free to use any material on my weblog and good luck with your project. Best wishes Patrick

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