St. Brelade, Jersey…

It’s a Welcome Home for Adrian and Jenny as they fly back from a short break on the Channel Islands. Adrian is my IT expert and Jenny his lovely partner. St. Brélade has some of the most popular bays in Jersey, with St. Brélade’s Bay, Ouaisné, Portelet and parts of both St. Ouen’s Bay and St. Aubin’s Bay falling within the parish boundaries. The village (or town) of Saint Aubin was originally a fishing port facing St. Helier on the opposite side of St. Aubin’s Bay. St Aubin was historically the main centre of population in the parish, but residential development at Les Quennevais has shifted that centre of population. Above; Jenny and Adrian’s photo of Mont Gras D’eau, St. Brelade, Jersey. You can see more of their photos at:

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